Hey all! Today I wan to introduce an extension that you can utilize it through your online classes as a instructor or student. Called as 'Peardeck' is a tool which provides students participate in classes during online presentations. It is a interactive presentation tool and you prepare your presentations with your Google Drive account. Furthermore, this extension can be used as an assesment and evaluation instrument because it has numerous traits such as you can add questionnaire so that you can receive feedbacks from your students. Supposing that we emphasize this application's features, I will mention about them by writing item by item.

  • To begin with, you can illustrate your presentation to your students synchronously on peardeck, which means you can learn with it.
  • Peardeck generates code for your lectures, ensuring that your presentations run smoothly.
  • You can get immediate feedback from your students on the presentations you make, and you can also respond to their questions in real time.
  • You may also submit your presentations to your students asynchronously, and Peardeck allows your students to focus on slides rather than a traditional PowerPoint presentation. They may, for example, draw slides as they please.
  • You should have questions on the slides so that students can reinforce their knowledge by answering the question after learning the topic on the slide.
  • You should add attention-grabbing materials to your slides, such as audio and video. For example, at the start of your presentation, you may make an audio recording in which you welcome your students and explain what you will teach about the presentation you have prepared. In this manner, you will both pique the students' interest and warm them to the subject.
  • As previously mentioned, you can also have questionnaires at the end of your presentation to help you assess how much students get out of the presentation you prepared.  
Now, I want to explain how you can use this tool to enrich your classes briefly. You must log in to the application with your email address after searching for peardeck in your web browser and logging into the site. You can then quickly begin planning your presentations after entering your school's name and zip code. You can also connect your Pear Deck account to your Google Drive account and continue your lessons with Google Slides. So you can do whatever you want without the need for a separate peardeck site.

I am confident that once you begin using this program in your classes, your lessons will become more productive and enjoyable. You can also check its website to watch 'how to use ' videos. Thanks for your concern :)


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