Hey all! Today I want to share with you another amazing tool for your classes. It is called 'Jamboard'. Jamboard can be considered as a digital whiteboard and it is one of the easiest way of sharing through phones, tablets or other means. Moreover, it is highly recommended due to its convenience, for instance, it is portable board that you can take anywhere that you need to use a board. So, lets see which options this app have for using during classes, meetings etc.

After signing up with your Google account, you can use it directly. When you start to create new Jam, you encounter this page as below.

Here is the image below shows what the signs mean.

Because of Jamboard, you may share your jams with your pupils instantly throughout the lecture, allowing for numerous brainstorming sessions on the subject. You can also use the jamboard to explain your lecture to your pupils and complement it with visual materials, which can be a simple way to capture their attention. You can even share it with your pupils after the session because it saves all of the data you capture on the jamboard to the cloud. In this manner, you will secure long-term viability. Students can participate from anywhere because it is portable.

You can improve the course content by including minor notes and images, as seen in the sample on the right.

I hope this post will be beneficial for you and your students. Thanks for your concern!


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