Hey! Today we will be discussing on the concept of 'presence' in online learning. This concept consists of three different parts which can be called 'educational experience' later when these three unite. These presences are cognitive presence, social presence and teaching presence.

Cognitive presence is important for students' learning process. In discussions, assignment input, and other communications with students, you can model and encourage cognitive presence. This model combines these two elements in a loop that begins with a question or puzzle - known as a triggering event.Any of these characteristics can be shown by students as self-regulation and community co-regulation. Assisting in learning jobs, processes, or goods. Managing the progression of learning stages or activities.Online conversation moderating is an effective technique for promoting cognitive presence. Graduate students who are more self-directed than first-year undergraduates would need less co-regulation. It is vital to recognize that merely engaging with others does not mean critical discourse.

Social presence is particularly relevant at the start of the semester when students are getting to know and trust one another. Expression of emotion and use of humor are also indicators of social presence. It is challenging, but not impossible, for students to become more acquainted with one another and with you on a more personal level. Creating a good connection through free, friendly contact, being approachable, and demonstrating.

The job of teaching undertaken before and during the course is referred to as teaching presence. It involves all of the preparatory work involved in planning and implementing the course, as well as the hands-on teaching of guiding and encouraging the learners. The course materials and everything you do to lead, encourage, and shape the learners' experiences represent your teaching presence. Preparation for effective teaching


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