storybırd : dıgıtal book


Hey all! Today I will talk about 'storybird'. We can say that storybird is a digital book writing platform that you can use with your students. You may utilize this tool with confidence if you have students who wish to produce books or who enjoy reading books.

If you become a member of the tool as a teacher, you can begin utilizing it by establishing a class. You can share the code for your class with your students after you've created it.

You can make adjustments to your class from the class settings section. You can view your students' submissions in the submissions section.

You can ask your students to participate in work prepared by other teachers, or you can ask them to create a story yourself and observe how far they have progressed.

This tool would also be useful for improving your students' writing skills. You will make the lesson both interesting and fun and writing. Good lessons in advance. Thanks for your concern!


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